Children’s Christmas Program
Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: various locations
From 11:00 to 13:00. Children’s workshops at the ludoteca (playroom) of Xàbia Port, located in the tent at the Jávea Port promenade. From 11:00 to 13:00. Creative workshops for boys and girls in the play area in Xàbia Historical City Center. Casa de Cultura in Xàbia. Square: Plaça de Baix. From 12:00 to 14:00. Face painting and balloon twisting for boys and girls at the designated space in the Xàbia Arenal Christmas fair. Starting from 16:00 to 20:30. Riurau de Arnauda. Royal Camp in which the emissaries of the Magic Kings shall collect the letters from the boys and girls. They will be storytelling activities, workshops and demonstrations of handicraft creations.
For children Free

Al voltant d'Antoni Llidó
13/12/2024 al 25/01/2025
Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Ca Lambert
Exhibition to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the disappearance of Antoni Llidó, victim of the dictatorship by Augusto Pinochet in Chile. The exhibition features artworks by Paco Caparrós, Jose Sanleón, Carmen Calvo, Chus Garcia Fraile, Bernardí Roig, Uiso Alemany, Rubén Riera, Pepe Gimeno, Miquel Navarro, Castejón, Josep Ginestar, Francesc Marzal, Jaume Monfort, Toni Mari, Tomas Sivera, Natalia Ribes, Francisco Catalá, Xusa Bou and Jaume Pastor.

Tournament UNO.
Starting time: 17:30 - Ending time: 20:00
Zone: PlayJove (Pl. de la Contitució)
If the card game UNO is your speciality, sign up for our tournament.
PlayJove Free

Exhibition of the Hebrew Nativity Scene
10/12/2024 al 07/01/2025
Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Soler Blasco Archaeological and Ethnographical Museum
Exhibition of the Hebrew Nativity scene made by the ‘Associació de betlemistes de Xàbia’. There will also be nativity scenes in the Town Hall building, the Local Police and the Port Tourist Office.
Exhibitions Free

Royal Camp site and collection of letters for the Magic Kings
03/01/2025 al 04/01/2025
Starting time: 16:00 - Ending time: 21:00
Zone: Arnauda's Riurau
Royal Camp site and collection of letters for the Magic Kings

Exhibition Antoni Llidó, sacerdot i mestre
28/10/2024 al 25/01/2025
Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Fundació CIRNE
Hall: Fundación Cirne. From Tuesday to Friday from 18.00h to 20.00h.
Exhibitions Precio Free