Exhibition: "De temor i seda, les talaies de la costa"
01/08/2024 al 29/09/2024
Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Public Library Old Town
Simultaneous exhibition in two exhibition rooms: - Soler Blasco Archaeological Museum – Historical City Center Library (Biblioteca).
Exhibitions Precio free

Helga Grollo - Labyrinths
02/08/2024 al 28/09/2024
Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Isabel Bilbao Galeria
By choosing these old textiles as the basis for my work, I take on the challenge of elevating them to a new category. It is a process where finding “beauty” in imperfection helps me discover the artistic potential in the discarded. The fabrics become the central element of my work where each piece is prepared separately through dyeing, painting or the use of different mediums.

Exhibition: "Marinant Estellés"
05/09/2024 al 23/09/2024
Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Public Library Old Town
Inauguration on 5th of September at 19:30 at the Historical City Center Library (Biblioteca). Followed by a Poetry Recital in the Conference Room of the Soler Blasco Archaeological Museum.
Exhibitions Precio free

Paddling at the foot of the Cape. Kayak route
06/08/2024, 27/08/2024, 05/09/2024, 14/09/2024, 28/09/2024
Starting time: 09:30 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Port Fish Market Parking Facility
Info: turismoactivomontgo@gmail.com . Tel.: 617 06 58 93. Web Bookings: https://fareharbor.com/embeds/book/turismoactivomontgo/items/546683/calendar/2024/08/?flow=507647&g4=&full-items=yes
Routes and excursions 47,23€

Música al carrer (Street music)
Starting time: 20:30 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Xàbia Històrica
Performance by "Summer Trío" (cellos and piano). The location will be at C/ Major, corner with C/ Primícies.
Music Free

Water shadows
13/09/2024 al 23/11/2024
Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Recoleto Creative
To highlight two visions that, although they differ in chromaticism, temperatures, finishes and surfaces, manage to coexist through contrast. They are the two faces of the moon. One incandescent and bright, the other hidden in the shadows. This binomial between light and shadow finds several points of contact. Both born from the articulation of the 5 elements: Water, Air, Space, Fire and Earth. The proposals coexist because their differences do nothing but exalt one another. Two ceramists with particular searches that range from the matte whites and typical colors of the local lands of this coast of the Mediterranean, to the black and smoky colors of the depths of distant Latin America.

Tribute to Vicent Andrés Estellés. Nit d'Estellés.
Starting time: 20:00 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Conservatory Square
Select a poem by this poet to read and then have your own sándwich dinner. Reserve before 4th of September at the Library: biblioteca@ajxabia.org
Leisure Precio free

60th Anniversary of the Xàbia Artistic Musical Centre.
Starting time: 18:00 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Portal del Clot
18:00. Parade of music bands from the Marina Alta. Departure: Portal del Clot 20:00. Institutional event. Location: Square: Plaza de la Constitución. 23:30. Performance by the LA VIVA orchestra until 04:00 and many more surprises during the night!
Music Precio free

Art, history and apitourism
Starting time: 18:00 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Monestir Mare de Deu dels Angels
Guided tour and honey tasting. An experience to discover the Montgó mountain by means of its stories, legends or heritage and a visit to "Miel Montgó" (“Montgó Honey”) to learn about the exciting world of bees. Prior reservation required by WhatsApp: 646 87 50 14 (David Gutiérrez, A walk through Art).
Routes and excursions Precio 35€ (adults), 20€ (children up to 13 years old).

"Les matemàtiques saben ballar?"
Starting time: 19:30 - Ending time: 19:30
Zone: Soler Blasco Archaeological and Ethnographical Museum
Conference within the conference "XI Tradidanses - Grup de Danses Portitxol Xàbia" by Àngela Buforn Lloret, professor at the UA.

Traditional percussion course
Starting time: 19:00 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: "Surco" Building
Course organized within the conference "XI Tradidanses - Grup de Danses Portitxol de Xàbia" by Gaspar Buigues. Registration by calling 636 656 642.

Tribute to Vicent Andrés Estellés
Starting time: 19:30 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Soler Blasco Archaeological and Ethnographical Museum
“El inventario Clement de Gandia”, an unpublished poem by Vicent Andrés Estellés: the authentic winner of the book award: Ausiàs March in Gandia in 1966. Dialogue and Poetry recital.
Presentation Precio free

11th Traditional Dances and 8th Aplec de Danses de Les Marines
20/09/2024 al 22/09/2024
Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified
8th Meeting of Dances of Les Marines: Guided visit, soirée, meal, entertainment, popular dances and more. 11.30: Placeta del Convent "Welcome ceremony". 12.00: “Historical Centre Route”. 12.30: "Sarau" Church Square. 2:30 p.m.: Montaner Park - Lunch. 4:00 p.m.: After-meal with the Xe-ranga. 5:00 p.m.: “Dansà de la Marina” Church Square. 6:00 p.m.: Plaza de la Iglesia "Pep Gimeno Botifarra".
Leisure free

Seguidillas (tradicional dances) workshop in southern Valencia
Starting time: 16:00 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Multipurpose hall of Portal del Clot
Organized within the conference "XI Tradidanses - Grup de Danses Portitxol de Xàbia" by Joan Antoni Cerdà Mataix. Registration by phone: 636 656 642.

"Sagueta Nova" de Biar
Starting time: 20:00 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Multipurpose hall of Portal del Clot
Educational concert organized within the "XI Tradidanses - Grup de Danses Portitxol de Xàbia" events.
Music Free

Starting time: 18:00 - Ending time: 20:30
Zone: Pl. Convent (Convent Square)
Sorollius, the family and children’s theater festival in Xàbia Historical City Center, which shall be celebrated in the Historical City Center of Xàbia on 27th- 28th of September.
For children gratis

Sorollius – Cuentacuentos (Story telling): "El Monstre Petorro"
Starting time: 18:45 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Pl. Convent (Convent Square)
For children Precio free

Sorollius - Dani Miquel and MaMeMiMoMúsics.
Starting time: 19:45 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Pl. Convent (Convent Square)
Music Precio free

Interchange Concert of Federation Dance Groups: Grup de Danses Portitxol y Grup de Danses Realenc of Picanya.
Starting time: 19:00 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Paseo Marítimo Joaquín Sorolla
Music Precio free

Starting time: 11:00 - Ending time: 14:00
Zone: Xàbia Històrica
Sorollius, the family and children’s theater festival in Xàbia Historical City Center, which shall be celebrated in the Historical City Center of Xàbia on 27th- 28th of September.
For children Gratis

12th TriXàbia “Edu Monfort Memorial”
Starting time: 08:00 - Ending time: 14:00
Zone: Arenal Beach
More information, registrations and regulations: https://www.triatlocv.org/evento/
Sports Precio 30-50€