"Niebla roja"
13/05/2023 al 28/06/2023
Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Isabel Bilbao Galeria
Recalling the name which Mariajosé Bagazgoitia gave to one of her canvases from 2007, "Las cosas invisibles", the fog that always seems to swaddle her work, sometimes dense, revealshowever a deep and rich world, full of energy, in which the shapes hide characters and the characters embody souls.

Sorolla y la villa de Xàbia
25/06/2023, 22/03/2025
Starting time: 10:30 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Pl. Marina Alta (Marina Alta Square)
Discover more about Sorolla's visits to Xàbia through David Gutiérrez, who brings us closer to his paintings, the landscapes that inspired him, the light, the sea, the traditions and his people. In Spanish. Prior registration required by phone. 646 87 50 14.
Routes and excursions 10€