Handicraft Fair in the Xàbia Historical City Centre
29/03/2024 al 01/04/2024
Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Xàbia Històrica
The traditional Handicraft Fair will once again fill the streets of the Xàbia Historical City Centre with stalls full of typical products and items, entertainment and fun activities for children.

Adama Collective Exhibition
28/03/2024 al 05/05/2024
Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Soler Blasco Archaeological and Ethnographical Museum
Collective exhibition with painting, photography and drawing.

“Lo sabe el cielo azul”. Exhibition by Susana García
23/02/2024 al 13/04/2024
Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Ca Lambert
“The blue sky knows” communicates a message of calm, through slow artisan processes in artworks that represent a voyage of self-knowledge where the layers are unveiled and liberated in order to connect with life in a more profound way.

Núvol de cartró: Creative Art Intervention by the DONES+ART collective group
14/03/2024 al 30/04/2024
Starting time: 19:30 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Municipal Market
Fina Gilabert, M. José Cholbi, Mariví Puigcerver, Mar Fornes, Isabel De Piero, Blanca Hernando and Mari Marí exhibit their "Núvol de cartró" installation to raise awareness about sustainable packages and containers.

22/03/2024 al 22/06/2024
Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Recoleto Creative
The "Happytecture" exhibition by Anna Devís and Daniel Rueda celebrates the joyful and surrealist architecture by means of their characteristically photographic style full of color and creativity. Submerge into a world where buildings come alive and imagination overflows in each image captured by this talented couple of artists. More information and reservations: https://www.recoleto.com/art-exhibitions Location: Casa Recoleto, C/ Azorín, 4.

Starting time: 11:00 - Ending time: 14:00
Zone: Pinosol
MR EASTER BUNNY WORKSHOP Decoration of Easter eggs “Gincana” (family game of clues) Face Painting Inflatable Photocall
For children FREE

4x4 Football Tournament at Playjove
Starting time: 18:00 - Ending time: 20:00
Zone: Pl. de la Constitució (Constitution Square)
4x4 Football competition for teenagers between the ages of 12 to 17 in the Square: Plaza de la Constitución. Registrations and information at Playjove
Sports gratis

Manicure Workshop at PlayJove
Starting time: 18:00 - Ending time: 20:00
Zone: Pl. de la Constitució (Constitution Square)
If you want to enhance your "look", you can start with your hands in this simple manicure workshop. Registrations at PlayJove.
Leisure gratis

El sagrat i el profà
05/04/2024 al 05/05/2024
Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Casa del Cable
The Conceptual proposal from the Materia Group, prepared for the Casa del Cable in Xàbia, has been inspired by a Roman temple building and its suggestive symbolisms. MATERIA is a research group focused on creation, experimentation and knowledge transfer in Art at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Altea, the Miguel Hernández University in Elche and its members are M.ª José Zanón Cuenca: Materials, Amparo Alepuz Rostoll, Juan Fco. Martínez Gómez de Albacete, Imma Mengual Pérez, Lourdes Santamaría Blasco and Pilar Vivente Solé.

Urban multi-adventure: rappelling and climbing
Starting time: 16:00 - Ending time: 20:00
Zone: Pl. de la Constitució (Constitution Square)
Becoming initiated in rope sports is easy in this rappelling and climbing workshop, where you will learn the basic principles of this fun discipline. Registrations at PlayJove.
Sports gratis

Sorolla en el puerto y Cala Tangó
16/03/2024, 07/04/2024
Starting time: 11:00 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Port Fish Market
Learn about Sorolla's visits to Xàbia through David Gutiérrez, who brings us closer to his paintings, the landscapes that inspired him, the light, the sea, the traditions and his people. In Spanish. Prior registration required by phone. 646 87 50 14
Routes and excursions 10€

XVI Cursa de la dona Xàbia (16th Xàbia women's race)
Starting time: 10:00 - Ending time: 14:00
Zone: C.P. Graüll Athletic Sports Track
Start and Finish Line: Athletic Race Track: Pista d'atletisme. Col·legi Graüll. 03730 Xàbia Distance: 5.3 km Modality: walk or run
Sports Precio 5€

Braids Workshop at PlayJove
Starting time: 18:00 - Ending time: 20:00
Zone: Pl. de la Constitució (Constitution Square)
Now you can change your appearance in a quick way in this workshop where you will learn several tricks about braid hairstyles.
Leisure gratis

Billiards Tournament at PlayJove
Starting time: 18:00 - Ending time: 20:00
Zone: Pl. de la Constitució (Constitution Square)
Billiards competition for teenagers between the ages of 12 to 17 with a prize for the winners. Registrations at PlayJove.
Leisure gratis

Música a l'Estiu (Summer Music Presentation). Concert by Ignacio Rodes
Starting time: 20:00 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Culture Centre
Music Precio Free

La mar de contes (The sea of stories). "Joan Ratot"
Starting time: 17:30 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Biblioteca de Duanes
For children Precio free

Theater: "Segarem ortigues amb els tacons" In Valencian.
Starting time: 20:00 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Culture Centre
Company: Contrahecho. Characters stuck next to a road. A reflection about women, feminism, prostitution and Male Chauvinism. No prostitutes are born like a nettle beside the road.
Theatre Precio 5,00 €

Starting time: 11:30 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Cívic Punt
For children Gratuito

Llargues Alicante Provincial Council Championship Trophy
13/04/2024, 27/04/2024
Starting time: 10:00 - Ending time: 12:00
Zone: Trinquet de Xàbia
Sports Precio 5€

Concert by the Band of the Xàbia Musical Arts Centre – Music for the Towns Campaign
Starting time: 21:30 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: San Bartolomé (St. Bartholomew) Church
Music Precio free

Trofeo 4 estaciones (4 Seasons Trophy)
Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Xàbia Port
Sailboat reggata. Registrations: https://regatas-cnjavea.sailti.com/es/default/races More information at the Yacht Club: Club Nàutic: deportes@cnjavea.net

Book Presentation: "Cremareu aquesta carta"
Starting time: 19:00 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Public Library Old Town
A good excuse to celebrate the next Book Day is to rely on the writer Tomàs Llopis. In addition to telling us about his work, he shall present his latest novel, winner of the “Ciutat d'Alzira” award. It takes place in a decisive historical moment such as the War of the Germanías. It will be presented by Pepa Guardiola with an intervention by Josep Luís Domènech.
Presentation Precio Free

Multidisciplinary Art Projects
19/04/2024 al 25/05/2024
Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Ca Lambert
Collective exhibition with the artworks created by students from the Faculty of Fine Arts at the Miguel Hernández University in Alicante.

Theater Show by the Julietes Group
Starting time: 20:00 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Culture Centre
JULIETES is a group of women who abandoned the age that Juliette has in the play by Shakespeare. Hence the constant struggle against memory that dances at its own rhythm with bodies that already confess all that we have lived; we meet, play, read, analyze, talk, laugh and we create theater. This exhibition of scenes travel in an award-winning work from the “Concurs de Teatre Curt” competition in Dénia ,a play adapted by Marta Catalá from her book of short stories: “Algún día nuestros ojos verán” , a play written by Marta inspired the story: “No me gusta mi cuello” by Nora Ephron as well as two scenes from the play: “Yerma” by the always beloved Federico García Lorca. The actresses are: Mar Bou Paloma Vera María Bequio Laura Berna Marta Catalá Patricia Solís Mariajosé Quesada Paloma Martos Aitana Morell María Pons. A good excuse to keep us Company that we would love to share with you.
Theatre Precio Free

Fast Photography Competition at PlayJove
Starting time: 18:00 - Ending time: 20:00
Zone: Pl. de la Constitució (Constitution Square)
Show off your skills as a photographer with your cell phone by registering in this Fast Photography Competition. Registrations at PlayJove.
Leisure gratis

Els colors de la música. Concert by Encanta8veus "La nit, el dia i l'estel".
Starting time: 20:30 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: San Bartolomé (St. Bartholomew) Church
Music Precio free

Soulful Funk Infused CASA Party with Somar Kirco
Starting time: 21:00 - Ending time: 00:00
Zone: Casa Recoleto
Immerse yourself in music by SOUMZ,an eclectic DJ who transcends borders blending different beats from soul, funk, jazz, Afrobeat, hip hop, house and disco. A true world citizen and an avid traveler, his sets unite cultures and takes crowds on anunforgettable musical adventure. Cheese board and a glass of cava included. Bookings on: https://www.recoleto.com/event-details/soulful-funk-infused-casa-party-2
Music 25€

Starting time: 10:30 - Ending time: 12:30
Zone: Cívic Punt
For children Gratuito

Iberians, Phoenicians and Romans in Montgó
Starting time: 09:30 - Ending time: 13:30
Zone: Parking of the restaurant "Punta de Benimaquia"
If you are interested in knowing a little about the history of our ancestors, join us on the outing that we have organized from the Natural Park. We recommend bringing water, a hat, sunscreen and footwear suitable for the mountains. Difficulty: medium. Route in spanish. Registration and more information: 679196461 / parque_montgo@gva.es Organized by: Montgó Natural Park Interpretation Centre.
Routes and excursions Free

Dijous de comèdia (Comedy Thursday). Monologue by Coria Castillo (in Spanish)
Starting time: 20:00 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Multipurpose hall of Portal del Clot
Leisure Precio free

Pluja de Contes (Children’s Storytelling): "La fada que no volia ser fada"
Starting time: 17:30 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Public Library Old Town
For children Precio free

Presentation of 22nd Xàbia Folk Festival – Concert by Krama
Starting time: 20:00 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Culture Centre
Music Precio free

Spring Concert – Young People’s Orchestra of Xàbia Musical Arts Centre
Starting time: 11:00 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Multipurpose hall of Portal del Clot
Music Precio free

40th Jesus Nazareno Trophy, 13th José Catalá Memorial
Starting time: 17:00 - Ending time: 19:00
Sports 0€

Trofeo de pesca al xamber (Xamber Fishing Trophy)
Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Xàbia Port
Mariano Iglesias Memorial. More information at Club Náutico Jávea: www.cnjavea.net/agenda E-mail: deportes@cnjavea.net

Children’s Theater: "Historia de un calcetín" (in Spanish)
Starting time: 17:30 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Culture Centre
Tin and Ton are a pair of inseparable socks. Wherever Tin is, Ton is and wherever Ton is, Tin is. Since they were young, they have grown up together, sharing laughs, adventures and games. One day, Ton disappears and Tin has to go on a voyage to investigate, a trip full of surprises that will take them to unexpected places. Socks, sheets, trousers, sanding machines, brooms and other daily objects are brought to life by this creation of La Canica, their most fun and carefree theater proposal.
For children Precio 3,00€

XXII Festival Coral Ars Nova (22nd Ars Nova Choir Festival)
Starting time: 20:30 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: San Bartolomé (St. Bartholomew) Church
Performances by "Coral Ars Armonium" from Orihuela, "Cor Carmesina" from Gandia and "Ars Nova".
Music Precio Free

"The Beatles" Didactic Concert - Young People’s Orchestra of Xàbia Musical Arts Centre
Starting time: 11:30 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Multipurpose hall of Portal del Clot
Second session.
Music Precio free

“Spring Concert” by Petit Arts and Young People’s Orchestra of Xàbia Musical Arts Centre
Starting time: 20:00 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Pl. de la Constitució (Constitution Square)
Charity concert on behalf of Aspanion.
Music Precio free

"The Beatles" Didactic Concert - Young People’s Orchestra of Xàbia Musical Arts Centre
Starting time: 10:00 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Multipurpose hall of Portal del Clot
First session.
Music Precio free