The arrival of Summer is celebrated with Fire Festivities on St. John's holiday in many places throughout Spain but they are especially famous on the Mediterranean coast. It is a festivity with an ancient origin which combines magic rituals with fire, gunpowder, water and music. All designed to welcome the Summer. The ritual of lighting a bonfire is meant to "provide more power to the sun" since starting from this date, the days become shorter and the sun's light becomes weaker. On the other hand, the bonfire has a "purification" role for the people who contemplate it.
The coincidence of the Saint's holiday who baptised Christ in the Jordan River, clearly shows the symbiosis which exists between the Christian tradition and older beliefs. In fact throughout the centuries, St. John's water has been attributed with diverse properties such as combating infertility, enhancing beauty or removing warts.
The festivities program has a rich variety of events which include sports activities, street parades, musical performances, concerts, flower offerings, etc. There are events for all ages and tastes. The running of the bulls and the “correfocs” (firecrackers parade) as well as the huge traditional fireworks display called the “Nit dels Focs”. The festivities conclude on the night of the 24th with the burning of the "Hoguera" monument and a spectacular music and fireworks display.
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