
Exhibition Hall for sale

31/01/2025 al 09/03/2025

Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified

Zone: Casa del Cable

Exhibition with artworks by the artist, Pedro Faus.


Sorolla in Xàbia (general visit) - in english

05/01/2025, 02/02/2025

Starting time: 10:30 - Ending time: Not specified

Zone: Port Fish Market

Discover the paintings, lyrical colors, drawings, impressions and experiences which Joaquín Sorolla lived in the Xàbia town and coast by means of these cultural visits. Route in English. Accessible route. Prior reservation required with David Gutiérrez, tel.: 646 87 50 14. (whatsapp)  www.sorollajavea.wordpress.com    

Routes and excursions 10€, children: 5€

Art Exhibition: “25 anys i cami”

31/01/2025 al 22/02/2025

Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified

Zone: Ca Lambert

Exhibition of artworks created by members of TAPIS.


Naturaleza íntima (Intimate nature)

31/01/2025 al 28/02/2025

Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified

Zone: Soler Blasco Archaeological and Ethnographical Museum

My most recent artworks focus on my latest life experiences which have allowed me to approach nature. They are intensely experienced fragments, impressions of color that have been stored in my memory and which I assemble into planes which are arbitrarily overlapped or matched; and their models are based on the country, seeds, the house, the sky, the treetops, the interior part of a leaf, a fruit or a flower. They are colors which I have borrowed, in this moment, from an ever changing and magical nature, which I cannot stop admiring.



16/01/2025 al 01/03/2025

Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified

Zone: GudzGallery

An exhibition that captures dynamic energy and movement. Dynamic energy and movement are featured in the artworks displayed in our exhibition. Feel how art comes alive, as it transmits movement and emotions in every line and trace. Immerse yourself with us in the world of dynamic art.


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