17/02/2023 al 19/03/2023
Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified
Exhibition by the ceramic artist, Cristina Miguillón at Ca Lambert.

Els colors de la música. El Cor de la Generalitat. Amb veu de dona
Starting time: 20:00 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: San Bartolomé (St. Bartholomew) Church
“The color of music. The Regional Government choir. With a woman’s voice.”
Music Precio free

De la idea al bronce (From the idea to bronze)
17/02/2023 al 19/03/2023
Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Casa del Cable
Exhibition of artworks by the sculptor, Javier de Benito.

Sigilos. La imagen de la palabra
20/01/2023 al 10/03/2023
Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Recoleto Creative
By Zulema Peña. The graphic artworks: “Sigilos, la imagen de la palabra” ("Stealthiness, the image of the word") is inspired by the gaze, the need to see the image of what is named. A project which transcends the representation of the word’s meaning, in order to arrive at the representation of the word’s image. A new language, a linguistic image which only corresponds to the container of language, an image of meaning which is stripped of any cultural conceptualization of the meanings. If an image is worth more than a thousand words, how much is the image of a word worth?