La Marina, entre mar i muntanyes
02/08/2019 al 08/09/2019
Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Soler Blasco Archaeological and Ethnographical Museum
The unique gaze of the photographer Paco Costa is reflected in this exhibition about La Marina district.
Exhibitions gratis

Sara Baras
Starting time: 22:30 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Pl. de la Constitució (Constitution Square)
The singer-dancer considered as the best in the world and one of the greatest cultural references of our country arrives in Xàbia, after more than 4,000 performances. Her current show features musical collaboration with the violinist ARA MALIKIAN and accompanied by over 15 dancers and musicians onstage. Doors open at 21:00
Music 35€ and Vip 85€

Cine Vora la Mar (Cinema by the sea): Ready Player One
Starting time: 22:00 - Ending time: 00:30
Zone: Arenal Beach
READY PLAYER ONE USA – 140’, Science fiction Not recommended for children under age 12
Cinema gratis

Oscar Bento
03/08/2019 al 28/08/2019
Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Isabel Bilbao Galeria
In August, both at IB Galería and interior·s (Jávea/Xàbia), Oscar Bento presents a selection of canvases corresponding to series he's been developing during the last decade: The Sea, Landcapes, Music, Wine and Chocolate ... The sensitive expression interpreting nature, music or the sensual idea of wine, arises from the most intimate Oscar Bento. Along this diversity of themes we find reflection, depth of colour and the powerful light of his paintings, which are the common thread of his artistic career, from its beginning until today.

Xàbia, a cultural culinary history
Starting time: 19:00 - Ending time: 20:30
Zone: Tourist Info Xàbia Centre
Guided Thematic route in Soler Blasco Museum and Municipal Market with mine-gourmet menu. On the most basic agricultural products, olive oil, wine and fish, a cuisine has been created which unites cultures. Pre-registration required in Tourist Info. In english language.
Routes and excursions 10€ adults, 6€ children

4th Xàbia Circus
01/07/2019 al 02/09/2019
Starting time: 20:30 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Paseo del Tenista David Ferrer
Street shows and music during the summer months. Magic tricks, jugglers, circus shows, etc.
Others Free