Festivities in honor of the “Virgen de los Ángeles”
02/08/2019 al 03/08/2019
Starting time: 12:00 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Mare de Déu dels Àngels Sanctuary
Popular festivities in La Plana. Brotherhood dinner and musical performances (separate program)

La Marina, entre mar i muntanyes
02/08/2019 al 08/09/2019
Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Soler Blasco Archaeological and Ethnographical Museum
The unique gaze of the photographer Paco Costa is reflected in this exhibition about La Marina district.
Exhibitions gratis

05/07/2019 al 03/08/2019
Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Ca Lambert
Exhibition which combines the photography projects under the motto: "Diptychs" created by the members of the Xábia Photography Group (AFX).
Exhibitions gratis

In Plural
05/07/2019 al 04/08/2019
Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Casa del Cable
“En Plural” (“In Plural”) combines 17 original and personal photography projects. It covers journalism and photography by artists, on different media, with personal museography. Each project has a montage which aims to attract the spectator, making them stop and discover the communication between the photo and themselves.
Exhibitions gratis

2nd Xàbia's Moon
31/07/2019 al 02/08/2019
Starting time: 22:30 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Mare de Déu de Loreto Church
International Piano Festival. Artistic Director: Carles Marín.
Music Donativo 10€

The first buy at the Market
14/06/2019, 21/06/2019, 28/06/2019, 05/07/2019, 12/07/2019, 19/07/2019, 26/07/2019, 02/08/2019, 09/08/2019, 16/08/2019, 23/08/2019, 30/08/2019, 06/09/2019, 13/09/2019, 20/09/2019, 27/09/2019
Starting time: 17:00 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Municipal Market
On Fridays of each month, the Xàbia Market presents THE FIRST BUY AT THE MARKET, an afternoon of promotions, tastings and activities to enjoy your first buy, beer or drink at the market.
Leisure -

4th Xàbia Circus
01/07/2019 al 02/09/2019
Starting time: 20:30 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Paseo del Tenista David Ferrer
Street shows and music during the summer months. Magic tricks, jugglers, circus shows, etc.
Others Free