Adama Collective Exhibition
28/03/2024 al 05/05/2024
Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Soler Blasco Archaeological and Ethnographical Museum
Collective exhibition with painting, photography and drawing.

Multidisciplinary Art Projects
19/04/2024 al 25/05/2024
Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Ca Lambert
Collective exhibition with the artworks created by students from the Faculty of Fine Arts at the Miguel Hernández University in Alicante.

El sagrat i el profà
05/04/2024 al 05/05/2024
Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Casa del Cable
The Conceptual proposal from the Materia Group, prepared for the Casa del Cable in Xàbia, has been inspired by a Roman temple building and its suggestive symbolisms. MATERIA is a research group focused on creation, experimentation and knowledge transfer in Art at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Altea, the Miguel Hernández University in Elche and its members are M.ª José Zanón Cuenca: Materials, Amparo Alepuz Rostoll, Juan Fco. Martínez Gómez de Albacete, Imma Mengual Pérez, Lourdes Santamaría Blasco and Pilar Vivente Solé.

22/03/2024 al 22/06/2024
Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Recoleto Creative
The "Happytecture" exhibition by Anna Devís and Daniel Rueda celebrates the joyful and surrealist architecture by means of their characteristically photographic style full of color and creativity. Submerge into a world where buildings come alive and imagination overflows in each image captured by this talented couple of artists. More information and reservations: https://www.recoleto.com/art-exhibitions Location: Casa Recoleto, C/ Azorín, 4.

Montgó Fest 2024 Xàbia
03/05/2024 al 04/05/2024
Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Av. Augusta
On May 3 and 4, the 11th edition of Montgorock Xàbia Festival will be held with a new music format but without losing the essence of the best 100% national live rock music. Information and tickets: https://www.montgorock.es/
Music Check website

Starting time: 11:30 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Cívic Punt
For children Gratuito

Book Presentation: "Marinada"
Starting time: 19:00 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Public Library Old Town
Author: Mercé Estrela. Presentation and reading of this book of poems which shares salty reminiscences that bring us closer to our sea. Connected to Xàbia for teaching reasons, the author received the poetry award: 2022 “Vila de Benissa” with this poetry book.
Presentation Precio free

22nd Xàbia Folk Festival. Pep Lopez i Sopars de Duro. Folk kids.
Starting time: 12:00 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Pistes esportives (junt al Palau d'esports - davant del Quarter de la Guardia Civil)
Concert for Xàbia third and fourth grade primary school students.
Music Precio free

Pluja de contes (Children’s Storytelling). "La xixarra i la formiga"
Starting time: 17:30 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Biblioteca de Duanes
For children Precio free

Create your own resin accessories
Starting time: 18:00 - Ending time: 20:00
Zone: PlayJove (Pl. de la Contitució)
Use resin in a creative way to make earrings, rings, etc. to change your image. For young people aged 12 to 18.
Leisure gratis

Linea Vital. Exhibition by Silvia Lerin
10/05/2024 al 16/06/2024
Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Casa del Cable
The “Life Line”/”Linea Vital” exhibition explores the visual and conceptual experience of the line as a metaphor of life, such as the road that we draw, the line that continues, that separates and that unites. This exhibition represents a return to the pictorial texture that has characterized this artist for over 20 years in her artistic career, in which painting, color and texts play a leading role.

22nd Xàbia Folk Festival. Sons d’Embat.
Starting time: 22:30 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Pl. de la Constitució (Constitution Square)
Sons d'Embat is a musical group with an innovative proposal and focus that is based on the exploration and reinterpretation of songs with peninsular and Mediterranean roots from various regions.
Music Precio free

22nd Xàbia Folk Festival. Acetre
Starting time: 22:30 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Pl. de la Constitució (Constitution Square)
Acetre is one of the most veteran and emblematic groups in the folk scene in Extremadura and their music is essential to understand the trajectory of folk music in Spain. Musical creation and renovation based on a rich tradition are combined with their lengthy experience as musicians, with an instrumental and vocal quality that is able to open new horizons in its musical roots.
Music Precio free

Navega y admira la costa pintada (Navigate and admire the painted coast)
Starting time: 19:15 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Xàbia Port
The Centennial of Sorolla and Salvador Abril. A cultural experience in a catamaran, to admire the sunset and Xàbia bay through the eyes of Joaquín Sorolla, Salvador Abril and other painters. The route will be guided by David Gutiérrez and shall offer a glass of champagne. Meeting point: End of the Port (next to the green lighthouse). Reservations: +34 966 423 066 / info@mundomarino.es
Routes and excursions Adults: 30€, children: 15€

22nd Xàbia Folk Festival. Alicornio
Starting time: 19:30 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Culture Centre
Alicornio is a folk music duet from Valladolid which is inspired by the traditional music from its district and neighboring lands. With violin melodies by Águeda Sastre Zamora and the voice, guitar and bouzouki by Carlos Martín Aires. Alicornio undertakes a musical journey in traditional dances and songs from their land.
Music Precio free

22nd Xàbia Folk Festival. Bruel
Starting time: 12:00 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Santa Llúcia (St. Lucy) Hermitage
Bruel was founded in 2006 as an alloy in the field of traditional violin, popular songs and dances in ancient Catalonia. The duet format makes them multi-talented and all terrain with their uniquely special sound.
Music Precio free

Valmuz Jazz Concert
Starting time: 20:00 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Culture Centre
The diversity of its members and their European horizon has allowed them to perform in Spain, the UK, Ireland, Germany and Romania (where they won the Johnny Raducannu International Jazz Festival Competition in 2019). With regard to their musical proposal, each of its members as a composer have their own style, energy and personality. VALMUZ is one of the contemporary European Jazz quartets to follow.
Music Precio 5€

"El Arenal de Xàbia: Historia, arqueología y Sorolla"
17/05/2024, 23/03/2025
Starting time: 10:30 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Parador Hotel car park
The Arenal Beach of Xàbia: History, archaeology and Sorolla. Route in spanish. The visit will be guided by David Gutiérrez (A walk through art). Prior registration required: 646 87 50 14
Routes and excursions 10€, children: 5€

3D Printing Workshop
Starting time: 18:00 - Ending time: 20:00
Zone: PlayJove (Pl. de la Contitució)
Learn how to use 3D printing to make everything you can possibly imagine. All participants shall receive a gift manufactured with this technique. For young people aged 12 to 18.
Leisure gratis

Children’s Theater: Dorotea i el món dels llibres
Starting time: 17:30 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Culture Centre
Dorotea has moved from her house and her mother has asked her to pack all the things in her room into boxes in order to prepare the move. Her mother also asks her to separate all the books that she has never read to get rid of them. However, what Dorotea does not know is that these books will not make it easy for her when she tries to put them into a box.
Theatre Precio 3€

Sunset at Cabo de San Antonio
Starting time: 19:00 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Sant Antoni's Cape
Guided tour + flatbread pastries tasting + beverages. Reservations with David Gutiérrez, tel.: 646 87 50 14. Departure from the scenic viewpoint (mirador) of the Cape called “Cabo San Antonio”.
Routes and excursions Adults: 35€, infantil: 25€

Starting time: 10:30 - Ending time: 12:30
Zone: Cívic Punt
For children Gratuito

Sergio Pereira: Brazilian Jazz
Starting time: 11:00 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Casa Recoleto
Brazilian Sergio Pereira will perform songs from his albums along with his most recent album "Finesse", which earned him the World Entertainment Award. He will be accompanied by Adriano Tortora on piano and Pancho Montañez on percussion, on the grounds of Casa Recoleto. Reservations in: https://www.recoleto.com/event-details/sergio-pereira-brazilian-jazz
Music 20€

L’escola canta 2024. Els Súper ODS. Aventura 2030 (The School sings)
Starting time: 19:30 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Pl. de la Constitució (Constitution Square)
Participation by: Centre Artístic Musical de Xàbia, CEIP Mediterrània, CEIP Graüll, CP María Inmaculada de Xàbia i CEIP Santa Maria Magdalena de Benitatxell. Collaboration by: Town Council of Xàbia.
Music Precio Free

Recital of the 6th Course of Professional Education
Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified
Recital of the students who finish their professional education studies at the center, at 7:30 p.m. in the assembly hall.

Performance by English Choir. Eurovision.
Starting time: 19:30 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Culture Centre
Come and Experience The Eurovision Song Contest through the ages Performing music from many of the countries of the European Union over the 57 years that Eurovision has run. Come and support your country, bring flags and come in national dress, (optional). During the contest you will be given the opportunity to vote for your favourite song, the winner will be perform again at the end of the event. The English Choir sings in four part harmony, accompanied by Kirsty Glenn and directed by John Oliver Edwards. We are in the process of changing our name to “The International Choir” to reflect the number of diverse nationalities we are now pleased to have in our choir.
Leisure Precio 12,50€

Dijous de comèdia (Comedy Thursday). Monologue by Maria Juan
Starting time: 20:00 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Multipurpose hall of Portal del Clot
Theatre Precio Free

Recital of the 6th Course of Professional Education.
Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified
Recital of the students who finish their professional education studies at the center, at 7:30 p.m. in the assembly hall.

Els colors de la música. Piacere dei traversi Concert.
Starting time: 20:00 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Culture Centre
Under the title, Vita Christi d'Isabel of Villena. Music and literature in the Kingdom of Aragon , the play explores the book that this “Clarisa” (Franciscan nun) wrote about the life of Jesus Christ in the second half of the 15th century. Carmen Botella performs selected passages of the text in her voice, which are combined with musical compositions from that time, performed by three flutes and the singer's voice.
Music Precio 5€

Pluja de contes (Children’s Storytelling). "Pipita Calzesllargues"
Starting time: 17:30 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Public Library Old Town
For children Precio free

Urban Dance Workshop
Starting time: 18:00 - Ending time: 20:00
Zone: PlayJove (Pl. de la Contitució)
If you like to move to the rhythm of today’s newest urban music, then you can perfect your style in this workshop. For young people aged 12 to 18.
Leisure gratis

FIFA FC 24 Tournament
Starting time: 18:00 - Ending time: 20:00
Zone: PlayJove (Pl. de la Contitució)
Your favorite competition to show off your skills with the remote control and win against your friends. For young people aged 12 to 18.
Leisure gratis

Children’s Theater. Contes de les mil i una nits
Starting time: 17:30 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Culture Centre
Flordelluna is a princess who is worried about her father, since he is ill and is losing his memory. In order to help recover it, she tells him stories about his youth, in which we find Ali Baba and the Forty thieves or Aladdin , among other lesser known characters that comprise part of a Thousand and One Nights.
Theatre Precio 3€

Starting time: 19:00 - Ending time: 23:30
Zone: Municipal Market
Enjoy the gastronomy festival with a great musical and festive atmosphere at the Municipal Market.
Gastronomy Tapas from 3€,drinks 1,50€

Ruta Lambertiana (Lambertian Route)
Starting time: 10:00 - Ending time: 13:00
Zone: Cala Blanca
Guided visit by David Gutiérrez (A walk through art). Prior registration required: 646 87 50 14. Route in Spanish.
Routes and excursions Adults: 15€, children: 8€

Book Presentation: Abecedario de Fábula
Starting time: 18:30 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Biblioteca de Duanes
The book is full of stories that introduce children to the world of fables, by means of several animals which are named after letters of the alphabet. The story is narrated by a teacher from the Puerto de Jávea school and it is addressed to boys and girls from ages 0 and 10.
Presentation Precio Free

Hello Summer Party
Starting time: 18:00 - Ending time: 20:00
Zone: PlayJove (Pl. de la Contitució)
Let’s celebrate a farewell party for the PlayJove space until September. And for this purpose, we have prepared many activities: BalanzBike, 3x3 Football with different categories and workshops to make your t-shirt and a bag in your own style. Don't miss it and start the summer on the right foot.
Leisure gratis

Handicraft's market
01/06/2024, 08/06/2024, 15/06/2024, 22/06/2024
Starting time: 18:00 - Ending time: 22:00
Zone: Paseo Marítimo Joaquín Sorolla
Everything sold at this small fair is handmade: watercolors, leather combined with macramé, pottery, wooden toys and very original jewelry ...

La sal azul (The blue salt)
01/06/2024 al 18/07/2024
Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: GudzGallery
The exhibition suggests a poetically evocative image related to the Mediterranean sea and landscape. Salt, which is a common element in the marine environment and the blue color, which characterize the sky and water submerge you in the philosophy of the scenery and the essence of the Mediterranean. It is a reflection about the relationship of humans with their environment as well about the uniqueness and beauty of the Mediterranean as a geographical and cultural sapce. More information: https://gudzgallery.com/es

Starting time: 17:00 - Ending time: 20:00
Zone: Pl. de la Constitució (Constitution Square)
Sports -

Starting time: 11:30 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Cívic Punt
For children Gratuito

Cleaning Workday: "Xàbia contra la basuraleza" (Xàbia against trashed nature)
Starting time: 10:00 - Ending time: 14:00
The Environment and Services Councils jointly with Ecoembes and the Libera Project, Tetma, Cruz Roja, Jávea limpia te quiero and Lady Elizabeth School have organized a cleaning workday which requires prior registration.

End of School Concert: "Petit ars"
Starting time: 19:00 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Music Conservatory
Music Precio free

End of School Audition by Xirimitab's Group
Starting time: 18:00 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Portal del Clot
Music Precio Free