
Trade on the stage

24/10/2024 al 25/10/2024

Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified

‘Trade on stage’ is a theatrical route through commercial establishments to entertain customers and assistants in a fun way. Thursday 24th October 11:00 h. Marmara Store (Avda. La Libertad,3 -Local 8) 11:45 h. La Morena y el fusil (Avda. La Libertad, 1) 12:30 h. Casa del vino (Avda. La Fontana, 12- C) 18:00 h. Al día con Olga (Avda. Jaime I, 11) 18:45 h. Opticalia Duanes (C/ Sertorio, 2) 19:30 h. Atelier del Mar (Avda. Lepanto, 10)   Friday 25 October: 11:00 h. Supermercado Suma (Avda. Jaime I, 21) 11:45 h. Casa Mata (C/ Pio X, 7) 12:30 h. J. Peiró Bakery (C/ Andrés Lambert s/n)

Others gratis

Water shadows

13/09/2024 al 23/11/2024

Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified

Zone: Recoleto Creative

To highlight two visions that, although they differ in chromaticism, temperatures, finishes and surfaces, manage to coexist through contrast. They are the two faces of the moon. One incandescent and bright, the other hidden in the shadows. This binomial between light and shadow finds several points of contact. Both born from the articulation of the 5 elements: Water, Air, Space, Fire and Earth. The proposals coexist because their differences do nothing but exalt one another. Two ceramists with particular searches that range from the matte whites and typical colors of the local lands of this coast of the Mediterranean, to the black and smoky colors of the depths of distant Latin America.  


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