Helga Grollo - "El revés de la trama"
13/08/2021 al 14/09/2021
Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Isabel Bilbao Galeria
Using textile collage, fixed on a board or stretched on a frame, the artist applies the Japanese value of the Kintsugi as a reference for her research. The Kintsugi theory recommends the conservation and recovery of damaged objects which formerly had a specific and important function. Using old burlap sacks, linen, jute or cotton fabrics, she has generated large textile surfaces sewn or bonded, partially or completely. Stained or painted, intervened with letters or highlighting the broken and worn areas, they wish to convey moods and a range of variable sensations.

Tern: Sèries. Artwork by Filiberto Siscar Sendra
06/08/2021 al 05/09/2021
Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Soler Blasco Archaeological and Ethnographical Museum
According to the Academy of the Valencian Language, “Tern” is defined as “a set of three things of the same kind”. As a “type of creative artist” this is perfect term to define this exhibition, which features three artistic proposals, where concepts, materials and techniques have a dialogue with each other in the Soler Blasco Hall of the Archaeological and Ethnographic Museum of Xàbia.

Art SET Cable
23/07/2021 al 12/09/2021
Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Casa del Cable
Collective exhibition with the artwork by the creative artists: Juan Antonio Caravaca, Jaume Monfort, Fuensanta Niñerola, Toni Marí Sart, Tomás Sivera Vallés, Natalia Ribes Hankins and Francesc Marzal.

Estar aquí. Exhibition by Nicolas Blin
06/08/2021 al 11/09/2021
Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Ca Lambert
"The encounter with the general public of Xàbia is a very important event for me, due to the program proposed by the city, I do not intend to display a series of artworks gathered together for this occasion, instead I invite the visitor to become immersed in my works in a more intimate way, which are closely related to each other and sustain a narrative plot among them which gives rise to thematic sets … Ca Lambert offers the possibility to display 3 topics respectively installed in three levels of the building, on the ground floor: “Estar aquí" [“Be here”] (a search) in the basement: the third floor: a story (a destination) and on first floor: “Abismo” [Abyss”] (vertigo)."

La Textura del Silencio
11/08/2021 al 31/08/2021
Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Recoleto Creative
Para Antonio Navarro, "el silencio, es el marco que posibilita todo lo demás. Se escalona a lo largo del día entre palabras convirtiéndose en frontera entre un quehacer y otro, un espacio sin tiempo definido que permite transitar en pautas complejas." Le invitamos a que asista a la apertura el 11 de Agosto 2021 a partir de las 19:30 para conocer de primera mano la nueva obra del artista, que nos acompañará en persona. Para reservar plaza, regístrese en https://www.recoleto.com/event-details/antonio-navarro