Handicrafts in the Square
19/10/2019, 26/10/2019, 02/11/2019, 09/11/2019, 16/11/2019, 23/11/2019, 30/11/2019
Starting time: 10:00 - Ending time: 14:00
Zone: Pl. Església (Church Square)
Sale of products and artworks by local handicraft artists.

Exhibition: “No tengo Dueño” (“I do not have an Owner”)
18/11/2019 al 15/12/2019
Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Soler Blasco Archaeological and Ethnographical Museum
It is one of the travelling exhibitions which consists of 31 artworks provided by the Center for Studies on Women of the University of Alicante (today, the University Institute for Gender Studies Research of Alicante) which has set it up as a communication and awareness activity of gender equality.
Exhibitions Gratis

Concert with Pep Botifarra and la Colla del Portitxol.
Starting time: 21:30 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: San Bartolomé (St. Bartholomew) Church
20th Anniversary concert with dulzainas and percussion.
Music Free

Theater for Adults: "Que pague qui puga"
Starting time: 20:00 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Culture Centre
Represented by Garum Teatre, it is a free adaptation of "Aquí no paga nadie" (“Here, no one pays”) by Dario Fo.
Theatre Precio 5 €