Public Art
25/10/2019 al 24/11/2019
Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Casa del Cable
Exhibition with artworks by the artist Victor Goikoetxea.
Exhibitions gratis

Xàbia Marinera - Trip & Feel
23/10/2019, 25/10/2019, 30/10/2019, 06/11/2019, 08/11/2019, 13/11/2019, 15/11/2019, 20/11/2019, 22/11/2019, 27/11/2019, 29/11/2019
Starting time: 15:30 - Ending time: 17:00
Zone: Port Fish Market
Participate in a guided tour to the Xàbia fish auction and discover the fishing culture and its people at the fish port. An educational activity recommended for families, where everyone learns about fishermen together.
Routes and excursions Adultos 8€, menores (de 5 a 17 años): 5€