
Exhibition Hall for sale

31/01/2025 al 09/03/2025

Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified

Zone: Casa del Cable

Exhibition with artworks by the artist, Pedro Faus.


Ping Pong Tournament


Starting time: 17:30 - Ending time: 19:30

Zone: PlayJove (Pl. de la Contitució)

Sign up for our Ping pong tournament to find out your playing level.  And don’t forget to tell all your friends.  


Exhibition Illustration Workshop Female Stereotypes. The witch woman.

07/03/2025 al 15/03/2025

Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified

Zone: Public Library Old Town

The results of the illustration workshop ‘Female stereotypes. The witch woman’, with the aim of dismantling the gender stereotypes associated with women based on the social construct of the “witch woman”.

Exhibitions gratuït

Café intercultural de dones (intercultural coffee for women)


Starting time: 10:30 - Ending time: 12:00

This is an intercultural workday for women where they deal with the gender stereotypes associated with women as the prelude to the Institutional ceremony where they will present the Illustration workshop with Helga Ambak. Organised by the European Union of Women Marina Alta, in collaboration with the Town Council of Xàbia. Location: Bar Imperial. Registration:  euwma.secretary@gmail.com

Leisure per determinar

Institutional act in commemoration of 8 March, International Women's Day.


Starting time: 12:00 - Ending time: Not specified

Zone: Pl. Església (Church Square)

On the occasion of the 8th March, International Women's Day, the Town Hall of Xàbia invites the citizens to the Plaça de l'Església. Manifesto reading and presentation of the street exhibition of the illustration workshop ‘Estereotips femenins. La dona bruixa’, by the workshop participants and Helga Ambak.

Others Free

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