Santa Cecilia Concert by the Orchestra of the Musical Artistic Centre of Xàbia
Starting time: 21:30 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: San Bartolomé (St. Bartholomew) Church
Music Precio Free

Book Presentation: "Un món magnètic. L’omnipresència dels imants".
Starting time: 19:00 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Soler Blasco Archaeological and Ethnographical Museum
Author: Francesc Lloret Pastor. Organized by: Meridià Zero.
Presentation Precio Free

Pluja de Contes (Storytelling): “L’home dels nassos”
Starting time: 17:30 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Public Library Old Town
For children Precio free

Theater "Pronóstico reservado"
22/11/2024 al 23/11/2024
Starting time: 20:00 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Culture Centre
Paco is in a deep coma after a bicycle accident. The hospital notifies his loved ones who have not seen him for a long time. They must decide the actions to be taken. However the decision is not so easy since the patient does not appear to be what he seemed to be and he has a secret that could involve major opportunities… Cast: Nurse: Luisa Picó Doctor: Hernán Rios Brother: Juan Martínez Sister: Maria Dolores Ayllon Girlfriend: Marian de Pascual Police Officer: Luis Simó Paco: Carlos Talaverón Direction by: Eva Diez Guerra Opening acts.
Theatre Precio 5€

Water shadows
13/09/2024 al 23/11/2024
Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Recoleto Creative
To highlight two visions that, although they differ in chromaticism, temperatures, finishes and surfaces, manage to coexist through contrast. They are the two faces of the moon. One incandescent and bright, the other hidden in the shadows. This binomial between light and shadow finds several points of contact. Both born from the articulation of the 5 elements: Water, Air, Space, Fire and Earth. The proposals coexist because their differences do nothing but exalt one another. Two ceramists with particular searches that range from the matte whites and typical colors of the local lands of this coast of the Mediterranean, to the black and smoky colors of the depths of distant Latin America.

Exhibition Antoni Llidó, sacerdot i mestre
28/10/2024 al 25/01/2025
Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Fundació CIRNE
Hall: Fundación Cirne. From Tuesday to Friday from 18.00h to 20.00h.
Exhibitions Precio Free