22/03/2024 al 22/06/2024
Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Recoleto Creative
The "Happytecture" exhibition by Anna Devís and Daniel Rueda celebrates the joyful and surrealist architecture by means of their characteristically photographic style full of color and creativity. Submerge into a world where buildings come alive and imagination overflows in each image captured by this talented couple of artists. More information and reservations: https://www.recoleto.com/art-exhibitions Location: Casa Recoleto, C/ Azorín, 4.

Multidisciplinary Art Projects
19/04/2024 al 25/05/2024
Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Ca Lambert
Collective exhibition with the artworks created by students from the Faculty of Fine Arts at the Miguel Hernández University in Alicante.

Pluja de contes (Children’s Storytelling). "La xixarra i la formiga"
Starting time: 17:30 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Biblioteca de Duanes
For children Precio free

22nd Xàbia Folk Festival. Pep Lopez i Sopars de Duro. Folk kids.
Starting time: 12:00 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Pistes esportives (junt al Palau d'esports - davant del Quarter de la Guardia Civil)
Concert for Xàbia third and fourth grade primary school students.
Music Precio free

22nd Xàbia Folk Festival. Sons d’Embat.
Starting time: 22:30 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Pl. de la Constitució (Constitution Square)
Sons d'Embat is a musical group with an innovative proposal and focus that is based on the exploration and reinterpretation of songs with peninsular and Mediterranean roots from various regions.
Music Precio free

Linea Vital. Exhibition by Silvia Lerin
10/05/2024 al 16/06/2024
Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Casa del Cable
The “Life Line”/”Linea Vital” exhibition explores the visual and conceptual experience of the line as a metaphor of life, such as the road that we draw, the line that continues, that separates and that unites. This exhibition represents a return to the pictorial texture that has characterized this artist for over 20 years in her artistic career, in which painting, color and texts play a leading role.

Create your own resin accessories
Starting time: 18:00 - Ending time: 20:00
Zone: PlayJove (Pl. de la Contitució)
Use resin in a creative way to make earrings, rings, etc. to change your image. For young people aged 12 to 18.
Leisure gratis