
Handicraft Fair – Program


Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified

Zone: Xàbia Històrica

11:30 . Plant workshop for children by Terra Xàbia – in the Square called Plaça de l'Esglèsia. 12:30 . Puppet theater show for everyone, with "Alicia i el seu món", by Cocó Teatre – in the Square: Plaça de l'Esglèsia. 18:00 . "Ronda de cuents: comptem amb tu", a story-telling show created for everyone who wants to participate with their stories, anecdotes, poems, sayings and more... a space where anyone can express whatever they want to express in relation to stories, tradition and memory; a lovely time to be shared among parents, children, grandparents and friends, along with the Theater company of Rodamons Teatre. Come with your story! – Square: Placeta del Convent.  


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