Segarra Llamas - Els Lambert: Fons artístic de l'Ajuntament de Xàbia
12/11/2021 al 09/01/2022
Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Ca Lambert
Exhibition which features the artwork by the painter Segarra Llamas and the Lambert family from the art collection of the Town Council of Xàbia

Nits de teatre: "Historia de una Maestra"
Starting time: 20:00 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Culture Centre
By Cactus teatre. Theater adaptation of the novel by Josefina Aldecoa. A portrait of the customs in the Spanish towns in the early 20th century, the local political bosses, the schools in the rural areas, Spain a country divided into two rival camps, etc. But above all, it is the story about a woman whose absolute vocation is teaching.
Theatre Precio 5,00€