
Tern: Sèries. Artwork by Filiberto Siscar Sendra

06/08/2021 al 05/09/2021

Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified

Zone: Soler Blasco Archaeological and Ethnographical Museum

According to the Academy of the Valencian Language, “Tern” is defined as “a set of three things of the same kind”. As a “type of creative artist” this is perfect term to define this exhibition, which features three artistic proposals, where concepts, materials and techniques have a dialogue with each other in the Soler Blasco Hall of the Archaeological and Ethnographic Museum of Xàbia.  


Art SET Cable

23/07/2021 al 12/09/2021

Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified

Zone: Casa del Cable

Collective exhibition with the artwork by the creative artists: Juan Antonio Caravaca, Jaume Monfort, Fuensanta Niñerola, Toni Marí Sart, Tomás Sivera Vallés, Natalia Ribes Hankins and Francesc Marzal.    


Estar aquí. Exhibition by Nicolas Blin

06/08/2021 al 11/09/2021

Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified

Zone: Ca Lambert

"The encounter with the general public of Xàbia is a very important event for me, due to the program proposed by the city, I do not intend to display a series of artworks gathered together for this occasion, instead I invite the visitor to become immersed in my works in a more intimate way, which are closely related to each other and sustain a narrative plot among them which gives rise to thematic sets … Ca Lambert offers the possibility to display 3 topics respectively installed in three levels of the building, on the ground floor: “Estar aquí" [“Be here”] (a search) in the basement: the third floor: a story (a destination) and on first floor: “Abismo” [Abyss”] (vertigo)."  


La Textura del Silencio

11/08/2021 al 31/08/2021

Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified

Zone: Recoleto Creative

Para Antonio Navarro, "el silencio, es el marco que posibilita todo lo demás. Se escalona a lo largo del día entre palabras convirtiéndose en frontera entre un quehacer y otro, un espacio sin tiempo definido que permite transitar en pautas complejas." Le invitamos a que asista a la apertura el 11 de Agosto 2021 a partir de las 19:30 para conocer de primera mano la nueva obra del artista, que nos acompañará en persona. Para reservar plaza, regístrese en https://www.recoleto.com/event-details/antonio-navarro  


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