Art SET Cable
23/07/2021 al 12/09/2021
Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Casa del Cable
Collective exhibition with the artwork by the creative artists: Juan Antonio Caravaca, Jaume Monfort, Fuensanta Niñerola, Toni Marí Sart, Tomás Sivera Vallés, Natalia Ribes Hankins and Francesc Marzal.

"Bandera Azul" (“Blue Flag”)
01/07/2021 al 10/08/2021
Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Isabel Bilbao Galeria
"Bandera Azul" (“Blue Flag”) by Oscar Bento hangs on the walls of the IB Isabel Bilbao Art Gallery these days. Once more a perpetually interesting perspective of painting with a sea motif by the artist Oscar Bento. After an exhibition at the Galería Begemot in Barcelona last spring, the collection: "Vino y Chocolate" (“Wine and Chocolate” and "A Mar Abierto" (“In the Open Sea” in the young gallery Natalia Bento Art Contemporani in Alaró (Mallorca), this new collection unites a dozen canvasses, mainly in a large format, in which the artist discovers refreshing sensations of light, reflection and movement based on a change in the use of color and its combination with subtle metallic and pearly effects, etc. of diverse application.

Camarotes (Cabins). “ Mareantas” Collective group
02/07/2021 al 31/07/2021
Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Ca Lambert
Exhibition with the artwork by the collective group: "Mareantas" comprised by the creative artists: Rosa Padilla (Camarote Abstracción) [Abstraction Cabin], Silvia Mercé (Camarote Transeúntes inciertos) [Uncertain Passengers Cabin] and Majo Giner (Camarote Panorama) [Panorama Cabin]

Alberola MMCV (Music Masters Course Valencia)
Starting time: 22:30 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: San Bartolomé (St. Bartholomew) Church
Music concert by Bach, Weber, Mozart and Spanish music, among others. The ensemble of Clarinets MMCV and Quintet MMCV will take part. Teachers and students will play together. Students from the United States and from all over Europe who study at this academy created by Juanlu Puelles and Vicent Alberola based in Valencia. Professors: Christophe Morin (cello), Helena Satue (violin), Juanlu Puelles (clarinet) and Vicente Alberola (conductor). It is essential to register in advance as a safety measure for the Covid-19. Call 96 5794344, from Monday to Thursday from 08:00 to 14:00 and on Fridays from 08:00 to 12:00.
Music Precio Free