Humor Night

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Starting time: 21:30
Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Pistes esportives (junt al Palau d'esports - davant del Quarter de la Guardia Civil)
The Theater Group of the Comissió de Festes Mare de Déu de Loreto, TOT RIST, will perform the amusing “sainete” (one-act play in Valencian) 'La Barraqueta del Nano' by Paco Barchino, which originally premiered in Valencia in 1921.
The seating capacity is limited and requires prior registration. You can reserve by a Whatsapp message to telephone: 679 851 734 or an e-mail: indicating the name, surnames and contact telephone. Each person can reserve a maximum 4 places up to the day before each event at 14:00. At the Casal de la Comissió de Festes (calle Severo Ochoa s/n) on 30th-31st August from 19:00 to 21:00.
The ticket price is a symbolic collaboration to celebrate the 125th anniversary of the festivities in honor of the Virgin: Mare de Déu de Loreto. The purchase can be made at the gate of the Festivity Premises (in the sports annex of CEIP Port de Xàbia).
Theatre Precio 3€