
Raw Jávea - Xàbia

04/07/2020 al 30/09/2020

Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified

Zone: Yacht Club

Exhibit of 25 photographs by Javier Díez. More info: www.jdiez.com  www.cnjavea.net  



01/07/2020 al 15/09/2020

Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified

Zone: Isabel Bilbao Galeria

Oscar Bento presents his collection: "40 años pintando en Jávea" (40 years painting in Javea) in which he invites us to explore the fascinating and multiple memories reflected in the paintings. www.memoriesoscarbento.com  


Riurau Film Festival


Starting time: 21:30 - Ending time: Not specified

Zone: Arnauda's Riurau      

IX Edition International Exhibition of Short Films. Book tickets in  https://riuraufilmfestival.com/reservar/entradas/ FICCIÓ ESCOLA: 3min 30s. TIC TAC  Manu Font. España. 3min 30s. FICCIÓ GENERAL: 86min 58s. DESIERTO ROJO  Noel Méndez. España. 14min 49s. STICKER  Georgi M. Unkovski. Macedonia. 18min 45s. NO PODRÁS VOLVER NUNCA  M. Mateo. España. 13min 35s. THE WORLD''S LAST HOUSE  Amir Gholami. Irán. 16min 19s. CALVARIO  Lluís Margarit. España. 12min 05s. TIERRA DE CENIZAS  Ángel Enriquez. España. 10min 08s. MULTIVERS  Armando Molina II. España. 13min 17s. AWARDS.  


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