
Book presentation "Reina Victoria Hotel" by Rafael Andarias


Starting time: 20:00 - Ending time: Not specified

Zone: Biblioteca de Duanes

"Reina Victoria Hotel». A combination of suspense, action and love story framed in the last days of the Civil War. And it is also a reflection on our tragic past whose shadow extends to the present. Participants: Quico Moragues (Reg. Of Culture), Mariana Lopez (Dir.ª Municipal Library, Esperanza Morais (former literary editor) and the author.



01/02/2019 al 05/05/2019

Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified

Zone: Casa del Cable

Exhibition of Lucebert (Amsterdam, 1924 - Alkmaar, Netherlands, 1994) one of the most fascinating creative artists in Europe of the last seventy years, and a crucial figure in the rebirth of Dutch poetry after the Second World War. Exhibition organized by the IVAM. The exhibition will also have as headquarters l'Espai d'art A. Lambert and the exhibition hall of the Museum of Xàbia

Exhibitions gratis

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