Theater Show by the Julietes Group

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Starting time: 20:00
Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Culture Centre
JULIETES is a group of women who abandoned the age that Juliette has in the play by Shakespeare. Hence the constant struggle against memory that dances at its own rhythm with bodies that already confess all that we have lived; we meet, play, read, analyze, talk, laugh and we create theater. This exhibition of scenes travel in an award-winning work from the “Concurs de Teatre Curt” competition in Dénia ,a play adapted by Marta Catalá from her book of short stories: “Algún día nuestros ojos verán” , a play written by Marta inspired the story: “No me gusta mi cuello” by Nora Ephron as well as two scenes from the play: “Yerma” by the always beloved Federico García Lorca.
The actresses are:
Mar Bou
Paloma Vera
María Bequio
Laura Berna
Marta Catalá
Patricia Solís
Mariajosé Quesada
Paloma Martos
Aitana Morell
María Pons.
A good excuse to keep us Company that we would love to share with you.
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