
Antoni Llidó Year Round Table

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Starting time: 19:00

Ending time: Not specified

Zone: Culture Centre

30/10/2024 al 31/10/2024 /

30/10/2024. 1st round table. First hand experiences with Antoni Llidó. We are honored by the presence of:

- Andreu Zurriaga (Nephew of Antoni Llidó).

- Hèctor Garcia (From Quatretondeta. He exchanged letters with Antoni Llidó).

- Jose Joaquín Martí (From Balones. He was a teacher in Balones).

- Paquita Espanyol (She met Antoni Llidó. Dance couple).

- Carles Solà (University professor and Valencian politician).

The Round table moderator: Andreu Zurriaga.

19:00. Casa de Cultura.

31/10/2024. 2nd round table. The figure of Antoni Llidó and the portrait in Chile. We are honored by the presence of:

- Mario Amorós (Journalist and historian. Author of “Antoni Llidó, un sacerdote revolucionario”).

- Joan Garcés (Political advisor of Salvador Allende between July 1970 and 11th of September 1973).

Round table moderator: Francesc Miralles.

The documentary called-“Cambiar la vida: 50 años sin Antoni Llidó” will be presented from the podcast by Greuges Pendents.

19:00. Casa de Cultura.


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