Ramón Pérez Carrió “COSMOS”
28/03/2025 al 29/04/2025
Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Isabel Bilbao Galeria
A universe of planets, stars, elements and zodiacal signs, an invitation to curiosity and imagination, those beautiful tools that art encourages us to cultivate. Note: Next Saturday, March the 29th, 2025, there will be a partial solar eclipse. On Friday, April 4, a guided tour will be led by R. Pérez Carrió from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. + INFO https://www.ramonperezcarrio.com/

Toque de Éxtasis
21/03/2025 al 25/04/2025
Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: GudzGallery
A visual journey through the infinite beauty of the Mediterranean, where the sea, light and desire merge into an eternal dream. Moments of pleasure, luxury and freedom captured in their most essential form.

The evolution of forms. The scientific language of Beauty.
14/03/2025 al 04/05/2025
Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Casa del Cable
Photography exhibition by the artist, María José Rodes Sala.

3rd Arenal Blues Festival with Lluis Coloma
Starting time: 20:00 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Music Conservatory
Music Precio Free

3rd Arenal Blues Festival
03/04/2025 al 06/04/2025
Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Paseo del Tenista David Ferrer
The Arenal Blues Festival of Xàbia returns for its third edition from 3rd to 6th April 2025, consolidating its position as one of the essential events for blues lovers.
Music Precio Free

3rd Arenal Blues Festival: BLUES BAND FROM GRANADA
Starting time: 22:00 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Paseo del Tenista David Ferrer
Music Precio Free

3rd Arenal Blues Festival: MARIA CABONELLL BLUES MOOD
Starting time: 18:30 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Paseo del Tenista David Ferrer
Music Precio Free

3rd Arenal Blues Festival: NOA & THE HELL DRINKERS
Starting time: 23:30 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Paseo del Tenista David Ferrer
Music Precio Free

Summer Craft Fair with Artesanía de Autor®
29/03/2025 al 30/03/2025, 05/04/2025 al 06/04/2025, 12/04/2025 al 13/04/2025, 19/04/2025 al 20/04/2025, 26/04/2025 al 27/04/2025, 03/05/2025 al 04/05/2025, 10/05/2025 al 11/05/2025, 17/05/2025 al 18/05/2025, 24/05/2025 al 25/05/2025
Starting time: 11:00 - Ending time: 14:00
Zone: Paseo Marítimo Joaquín Sorolla
Everything sold at this small fair is handmade: watercolors, leather combined with macramé, pottery, wooden toys and very original jewelry ...

3rd Arenal Blues Festival: J. ESCUDERO &T HE APRENENTS
Starting time: 12:00 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Paseo del Tenista David Ferrer
Music Precio Free

3rd Arenal Blues Festival: PETER GUN & LAZY TONES
Starting time: 13:30 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Paseo del Tenista David Ferrer
Music Precio Free

3rd Arenal Blues Festival: JIMMY BARNATAN & THE BOWERY GANG
Starting time: 22:00 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Paseo del Tenista David Ferrer
Music Precio Free

3rd Arenal Blues Festival: A CONTRA BLUES
Starting time: 23:30 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Paseo del Tenista David Ferrer
Music Precio Free

3rd Arenal Blues Festival: THE SOULOMONICS
Starting time: 18:30 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Paseo del Tenista David Ferrer
Music Precio Free

3rd Arenal Blues Festival: ANNE & THE BLUES DIGGERS
Starting time: 12:30 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Paseo del Tenista David Ferrer
Music Precio Free

09/04/2025 al 11/04/2025
Starting time: 10:00 - Ending time: 19:00
Zone: Municipal Social Centre
Set of activities and workshops to promote active ageing.

Conference ‘Parlem d'edatisme i gènere amb Anna Freixas’, given by Anna Freixas.
Starting time: 18:00 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Municipal Social Centre
The writer and teacher Anna Freixas will close the programme of the Jornades de les persones mayores with a conference-colloquium where she will reflect on ageism from a gender perspective. The event will also include the presentation of her book ‘Yo Vieja’, which will be open to the public until full capacity is reached.
Conference Free

Book Presentation: “Sniper: pointé en plein cœur” by SP Almau
Starting time: 18:00 - Ending time: 20:00
Zone: Public Library Old Town
Book presentation of “Sniper: pointé en plein cœur” in French.

Spring Concert by the CAM Young People’s Orchestra.
Starting time: 11:00 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Multipurpose hall of Portal del Clot
Music Precio Free

23rd Ars Nova Choir Festival
Starting time: 20:30 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: San Bartolomé (St. Bartholomew) Church
Music Precio Free

Presentation of the 39th Summer Music Festival. Concert by the pianist Xavier Torres.
Starting time: 20:30 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: San Bartolomé (St. Bartholomew) Church
Music Precio Free

Mar de Jávea Festival (Jávea Sea Festival)
18/04/2025 al 19/04/2025
Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Recinto La Fontana
Mar de Jávea is the musical heartbeat that resonates on the Mediterranean Coast. Here, the passion for music is combined with the beauty of Xàbia, creating a unique experience that transcends sound. Information and tickets: www.mardejavea.es
Music Precio Consultar en: mardejavea.es

Handicraft’s Fair
18/04/2025 al 21/04/2025
Starting time: 10:00 - Ending time: 20:00
Zone: Historical City Centre
The traditional Handicraft’s Fair is here again to fill the streets of the Xàbia Historical City Centre with lots of typical items and products, entertainment and fun activities for children.
Handicraft gratis

Xirimitab’s 1238 Crònica d’un somni (Chronicle of a Dream) Concert.
Starting time: 12:30 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Pl. Església (Church Square)
Music Precio Free

Portitxol Dance Group Performance : "Mostra de balls i cançons de La Marina".
Starting time: 18:00 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Pl. Església (Church Square)
Leisure Precio Free

Dijous de comèdia (Comedy Thursday). Monologue by Jesús Manzano.
Starting time: 20:00 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Multipurpose hall of Portal del Clot
Monologue in spanish. A monologue based on a very personal point of view, full of unexpected twists and turns that surprise the audience, always with a serious and calm attitude.
Leisure Precio Free

Discussion and poetry reading for the Award:” Premis Cavall de Laguar de poesia i relat (2020-2023)”
Starting time: 19:00 - Ending time: 20:00
Zone: Public Library Old Town
Discussion and reading of the award winning literary works of the Award: “Premis Cavall de Laguar de poesia i relat (2020-2023)”.

Holiday Festivities in honor of Jesús Nazareno
24/04/2025 al 04/05/2025
Starting time: Not specified - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Xàbia Històrica
From 25th of April to 3rd of May. Holiday Festivities in honor of Jesús Nazareno with music performances, running of bulls, fireworks displays, "Mascletà" (Firecracker show), crosses made of flowers, etc. (separate program).

Presentation of the23rd Xàbia Folk Festival. Performance by Ataxia.
Starting time: 20:00 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Culture Centre
Music Precio Free

"Bous al carrer" (Running of the Bulls)
25/04/2025 al 28/04/2025
Starting time: 18:45 - Ending time: 21:30
Zone: Pl. Convent (Convent Square)
From 26th to 29th of April. With running of Bulls, as part of the 2025 Holiday Festivities of Jesús Nazareno.

23rd Xàbia Folk Festival. Concert by Alidé Sans
Starting time: 22:30 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Pl. de la Constitució (Constitution Square)
Music Precio Free

Theater: "L’última de Txékhov"
Starting time: 20:00 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Culture Centre
By Garum Teatre. Pepa and Lluís are contemplating their lives as an artistic and intimate couple. The shutdown of the theater where they began and where they have developed most of their career triggers an avalanche of memories. Pepa, a vitalist and optimist, is willing to keep working in the profession doing whatever it takes to get ahead. Lluís, more trapped in the past, continually mutters as he is invaded by longing for that lost time and space...
Theatre Precio Free

Theater: "L’última de Txékhov"
Starting time: 18:00 - Ending time: Not specified
Zone: Culture Centre
By Garum Teatre. Pepa and Lluís are contemplating their lives as an artistic and intimate couple. The shutdown of the theater where they began and where they have developed most of their career triggers an avalanche of memories. Pepa, a vitalist and optimist, is willing to keep working in the profession doing whatever it takes to get ahead. Lluís, more trapped in the past, continually mutters as he is invaded by longing for that lost time and space...
Theatre Precio Free